Solicitations/Donations/In-Kind Contributions
Concern for the privacy of students, general building security and the protection of property has led to
more stringent regulations about selling and soliciting on college campuses. Solicitation is defined as
asking for funds or donations of goods or services either for internal organizational use, activity, or in
support of an approved internal or external fundraiser. Individuals may not sell or solicit among the
general College population. Contacting alumnae, individuals, foundations, or corporations must have
the prior approval of Institutional Advancement. Since Spelman College is an active fundraising
organization, it takes great strides to be sure that outside organizations and persons do not receive
multiple requests from Spelman College.
A student
may not
directly ask members of the Spelman Community for a financial donation to
support her participation in a Spelman or a non-Spelman affiliated event. This includes direct
solicitation, office solicitation, e-mail or personal letter. The Institutional Advancement Office must be
notified when cash and checks are received in the name of Spelman College. Checks written to
Spelman College for tax benefits must be handled by the Institutional Advancement Office.
Assistance with Fundraising
To request assistance with fundraising projects, please contact Shana Chance in Institutional
Advancement at (404) 270-6427, or e-mail at
Campus Facilities Use
Registered student organizations have use of campus facilities and services as available. AUC
student organizations must work with a Spelman College registered student organization to sponsor
programs and use College facilities. AUC sorority and/or fraternity programs must be co-sponsored
by a registered Spelman College sorority. All organizations are required to comply with the Office of
Student Life and Engagement and general College policies and procedures.
Posters, Signs, & Exhibits Policy
Student organizations wishing to display flyers and posters in the Manley College Center must
receive approval by the Office of Student Life and Engagement. Organizations and vendors
requesting to display posters and flyers on Spelman College property must be approved by the Office
of Student Life and Engagement or the department responsible for the bulletin board(s) in a particular
building. Posters, flyers, pictures, and lettering of any kind may be displayed on designated bulletin
boards. They may not be affixed to walls, windows, or doors. Posters and flyers must be neat, legible,
and in good taste. The name of the sponsor(s) must appear on the poster or flyer. Posters advertising
alcohol and drugs, obscene and lewd advertisements, as well as advertisements for functions,
events, and displays that are not consistent with the mission of the College will not be approved to be
displayed on Spelman College property.
Registered student organizations are responsible for the removal of event flyers, exhibits, and
displays within 24 hours after the event. The Office of Student Life and Engagement reserves the
right to fine registered organizations for violations of this policy. Organizations that have disregarded
the signage policy will be given one courtesy warning via e-mail, after which the organization will be
fined $50 each day until the items are removed. Second offenses may result in the organization being
prohibited from posting or exhibiting until the next academic semester.
Vendor Policies
The Student Government Association sponsors a weekly Market Friday program. Market Friday is an
exciting shopping, music, and entertainment experience for Spelman and other Atlanta University
Center (AUC) students, faculty and staff. Participants have an opportunity to enjoy food, a live disc
jockey (DJ), step/stroll shows, live entertainment, and a variety of vendors to meet their personal