Spelman College | 2016-2017 Student Guide - page 61

Piedmont Hospital
(404) 605-3299
Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence (24-hour Hotline)
(800) 334-2836
Sexual Harassment
The College believes that all of its students should be treated with respect and able to pursue their
education in an environment free of unwelcomed sexual conduct. Accordingly, it is the policy of the
College to prohibit sexual harassment (and other forms of unlawful harassment) by any person and in
any form. Sexual harassment includes unwelcomed sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or
other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, when:
A. Submission to or rejection of such conduct is either explicitly or implicitly a condition of getting a
good grade, a good reference or any other benefit; avoiding an unfavorable consequence
B. A student’s willingness or unwillingness to submit to such conduct is used as the basis for an
academic-related decision affecting the student
C. Such conduct creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive educational environment, or
substantially interferes with the student’s academic performance
This policy applies to the conduct of a faculty member, administrator, or other employee toward a
student as well as to conduct between students and acts of third parties, such as visitors, contractors
or the like.
Examples of behavior prohibited by this policy include:
• Making unwelcomed comments of a sexual nature about a person’s clothing, body, or person
• Using obscene or sexually explicit language
• Using a term of endearment or nickname for another that has a sexual meaning or sexual
• Telling sexual jokes or making sexual innuendoes
• Touching, hugging, rubbing, patting, pinching, or kissing another person in an overly familiar
• Leering at a person’s body
• Displaying sexually explicit pictures or materials
• Pressuring a student for a date or sexual contact
• Making unwelcomed sexual advances or propositions
Do not assume that the aforementioned behavior will be acceptable to another person. Students,
faculty and staff are encouraged to be aware of how people respond to individual and group
communications and behaviors. If an individual objects to certain behaviors toward him or her, listen,
pay attention to the objections, and discontinue the behavior.
Reporting Sexual Misconduct
It is important that incidents of sexual violence and sexual harassment and other kinds of
discrimination are reported to the College including, the
dates, times, places and events.
Responsible Employee
A Responsible Employee is someone a student could reasonably believe has authority and knew or
should have known about sexual violence. The Responsible Employee has the duty to report sexual
violence to the Title IX Officer.
Campus Security Authority (CSA)
A Campus Security Authority is an official of an institution who has significant responsibility for
student and campus activities, including, but not limited to, campus police/security, student housing,
student discipline, and campus judicial proceedings. An official
is defined as any person who has the
authority and the duty to take action or respond to particular issues on behalf of the institution. This
may be a student, faculty or staff member. In addition, it includes housing & residence life staff,
student life & engagement staff, and advisors to student organization.
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