Page 23 - Vincennes 2024-2025 Student Planner
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                SGA is made up of the Executive Council and the Student Senate. The Student Senate consists of: two representatives from each residence hall, two representatives from each club, two commuter representatives, and 3 at large representatives. Each year the SGA appoints committees to help improve student life.
The Vincennes University Campus Activities Board is in charge of planning, organizing, and implementing the events on campus throughout the school year. This organization is made up of students who are willing to volunteer their time toward campus events. Students may sign up for the Campus Activities Board in the Student Activities Department.
Campus Clubs and Organizations
There are over 50 clubs and organizations on the campus of Vincennes University, which offer almost unlimited opportunity for students to become acquainted with each other, to develop leadership, and to work with others of like interests. For information on all student clubs and organizations, please inquire at the Student Activities Department in the Physical Education Complex room 102, or call 812-888-4126.
Academic Eligibility
Any student who will hold an officer position for a club or organization must have a 2.0 grade point average (GPA) for the previous semester as a full-time student (12 credit hours) and must not be on academic or disciplinary probation, development courses will be evaluated on an individual basis. To maintain this eligibility, the officer must maintain the minimum 2.0 GPA and must be a full-time student. The club and/or advisor should arrange for another appointment or election to that office and should report the change to the Student Activities Department if the officer falls below that minimum standard. Organizations may establish a higher standard in their constitution or by-laws which must be filed for club or organization recognition each fall semester. The National Junior College Athletic Association governs eligibility for players on an athletic team. A student participating on the Blazer Dance or Cheer Team, in campus musicals, plays, or as candidates for Homecoming King/Queen must not be on academic or disciplinary probation, and must have a minimum of a 2.0 index for the previous semester.
Honors and Awards
Vincennes University believes recognition of student achievement is important. Listed below are examples of awards and recognition given to VU students.
The Dean’s List
All students earning a grade point average of 3.50 or higher while completing at least twelve credit hours in 100-level or higher courses, with no grade of D, F, I, RD, or Z are placed on the Dean’s List. Courses taken as Pass/No Pass will not be used to meet GPA requirements for the Dean’s List. This list is published just after the close of both the Fall and Spring semesters.
Blue and Gold Cord Awards
Blue Cords are given to freshmen, Gold Cords are given to sophomores, Blue and White Cords are given to juniors and Gold and White Cords are given to seniors. Students are nominated by faculty and staff members, and must have a 2.5 grade average and are outstanding in scholarship, leadership, and service. Applications for these awards are available in October for students graduating at Mid-Year Commencement, and are announced at the Mid-year Commencement Ceremony. Applications are available in March for those graduating in Spring Commencement and are announced at the annual Honors Convocation prior to Spring Commencement.
Activity Keys
The Student Government Association gives awards known as Activity Key Awards. The Awards are bronze, silver, or gold, depending on the number of activity points a student may have accumulated through participation throughout their academic career. Applications for this award are available in Student Activities during the month of March.
Pacemaker Paddle Award
The Student Government Association Pacemaker Paddle Award is traditionally awarded to second through fourth year students who have accumulated an extremely high number of activity points during their academic career. These awards are selected from the Activity Key applications.
Physical Education Complex
PE Complex Facilities Office: 812-888-5546 Facilities Coordinators Office: 812-888-4957 Assistant Facilities Coordinators Office: 812-888-5470
We welcome you to the Physical Education Complex. This fine campus recreation facility offers the students, faculty, staff, and guests of Vincennes University, an outstanding opportunity to participate in a wide variety of indoor/outdoor recreational activities.

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