Western Nebraska Community College | 2016-2017 Planner - page 182

victim to a hearing for the limited purpose of providing support and guidance.
NOTE: An advisor may not directly address the student conduct administrator,
student conduct board, question witnesses, or otherwise participate in a
student conduct hearing.
Business day
means any day, Monday through Friday, that the College is open
to conduct normal business.
of evidence represents the standard of proof governing the
student conduct system and means that “more likely than not,” a violation of
the Student Code has occurred.
III. Administration of Discipline
The responsibility of administering the discipline system is delegated by the president
of WNCC to the vice president for student services. In turn, this officer may delegate
authority to other groups or individuals for handling violations of the Student Code
of Conduct. All Student Code activities shall be monitored by the Dean of Students
to ensure fairness and consistency. All discipline sanctions imposed Institute-wide
will be reported to the Dean of Students for record-keeping purposes.
The College attempts to handle discipline matters at the lowest possible level by
recognizing a variety of hearing officers. Each hearing officer is a WNCC official
who is an administrator, faculty/staff member or student. Hearing officers adjudicate
cases when violations are alleged. The hearing officer is authorized to exercise active
control over the proceedings in order to elicit relevant information, to avoid needless
consumption of time and to prevent the harassment or intimidation of witnesses.
Disciplinary regulations at WNCC are set forth in writing in order to give students
general notice of prohibited conduct. These rules and regulations should be read
broadly and are not designed to define prohibited conduct in exhaustive terms. It
is recognized by WNCC that students are adults and are expected to obey the law
and take personal responsibility for their conduct. A student is therefore subject to
two sources of authority: civil–criminal authority and WNCC’s authority.
When charged with a violation, a student has the right to notice of the violation
and an opportunity to be heard. For infractions where suspension, dismissal or
expulsion may be imposed, a student will have additional rights as set forth in
section V, 2. , below.
IV. Academic Misconduct
Any student suspected of academic misconduct will be subject to the investigative
and disciplinary process outlined in the WNCC Academic Integrity Policy.
Academic Integrity Policy
Academic integrity forms a fundamental bond of trust between colleagues, peers,
instructors, and students, and it underlies all genuine learning. At WNCC, there
is no tolerance for plagiarism or academic dishonesty in any form, including
unacknowledged “borrowing” of proprietary material, copying answers or papers,
using crib sheets or unauthorized help during exams, altering tests, or passing
off someone else’s work as one’s own. A student can be accused of an academic
integrity policy violation by an instructor, staff member or another student(s).
A breach of ethics or act of dishonesty can result in:
• Failure of a paper, quiz or an exam within a course (instructor level)
• Failure of an entire course (institutional level)
• Suspension or expulsion from the College (institutional level)
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