University Graduate School
I welcome you to the graduate school and encourage you to be an active participant in our dynamic
learning environment. The supportive partnership between experienced faculty and curious graduate
students generate excitement, creativity and innovation. Your academic and research experience will
provide opportunities for your intellectual and career growth and to be actively engaged in strengthening
the economic and social welfare of Florida, the nation and the world.
Along with the Graduate Catalog, this handbook will assist you by providing helpful information and
reference material. Please take time to familiarize yourself with the topics.
I hope you have an enjoyable and successful year at FIU.
Andrés G. Gil, Ph.D.
Vice President for Research and Economic Development
Dean, University Graduate School
The mission of the University Graduate School (UGS) is to advance graduate education as a critical component in the
University’s generation and transmission of new knowledge, new research, new ideas, and new scholarship that contributes
to the resolution of complex national and global problems. The Graduate School is committed to providing a rich learning
environment that attracts and retains outstanding graduate students to work closely with outstanding faculty to advance
knowledge, scholarship and innovation. The Graduate School leads and supports the University’s graduate programs and
ensures adherence to quality standards and graduate policies. It strives to create a learning environment that will ensure the
development of graduate students and postdoctoral scholars to prepare them to be future scholars, scientists and leaders in
their respective fields.
To fulfill its mission, the University Graduate School:
• Advocates for graduate education; Assumes
responsibility for matters related to graduate
• Establishes, enforces and reviews graduate policies,
procedures and educational best practices to
provide ongoing quality assurance in graduate
education and maintain the integrity of master’s
and doctoral programs;
• Partners with academic units and graduate
students to enhance the effectiveness of graduate
• Works with academic units to enhance and
enrich the interdisciplinary learning and research
environments and the graduate culture at the
• Promotes the professional, scholarly and leadership
development of all graduate students; and
• Provides essential administrative and support
services to the University community
Andrés G. Gil, Vice President for Research and Economic
Development, Dean
Kevin O’Shea, Senior Associate Dean
Lidia Kos, Associate Vice President for Research,
Associate Dean
Louis Farnsworth, Director, Academic Support Services
Karla Ortega, Associate Director, Academic Support
Betty Sigler, Manager, Administrative Services
Michael Dudley, Assistant Director, Budget and
Irene Baquero, Coordinator, Academic Support Services
Janessa Guzman, Coordinator, Academic Support
Brandie Thomas, ETD Coordinator, Academic Support
Ashley Mendez, Coordinator, Academic Support Services
Milton de Maria, Program Assistant, Academic Support
Florida International University •