Page 66 - Chaffee College Student Planner and Handbook 2021-2022
P. 66

Section I – Introduction to Grade Grievance
Course grades, to the extent permitted by Education Code Section 76224(a), which provides: “When grades are given for any course of instruction taught in a community college district, the grade given to each student shall be the grade determined by the instructor of the course and the determination of the student’s grade by the instructor, in the absence of mistake, fraud, bad faith, or incompetency, shall be final.”
A Student has the right to challenge the final grade given by the Instructor based on the Instructor demonstrating one of the following:
A. Mistake–unintentionalerroronpartoftheinstructor
B. Fraud–intentionalmisrepresentationofanyorallfacts,whichleadtoa
negative outcome
C. BadFaith–anyotherintentionalactoftheinstructor,whichnegativelyimpacts the grade of the student
D. Incompetency–thereisevidencethattheinstructordoesnothavethe knowledge, skills, and/or abilities to conduct and fairly grade the course. Incompetence is usually pervasive, and not restricted to one student or one incident
The procedure does not apply to:
A. Studentdisciplinaryactions,whicharecoveredunderdifferentboardpolicies and administrative procedures, please see the section on Standards of Student Conduct.
B. Sexualharassmentandillegaldiscrimination,whicharecoveredunderdifferent board policies and administrative procedures, please see the section on Title IX.
C. Policecitations(i.e.,“tickets”),ofwhichcomplaintsregardingcitationsmustbe directed to the County Courthouse in the same way as any traffic violation.
D. Generalstudentcomplaints,pleaseseethesectiononGeneralStudent Complaints.
If harassment or discrimination has been presented as a reason for the grievance, the college will conduct an investigation into the matter. As a result, the grievance will not move forward pending the investigation. Note: All harassment and discrimination complaints should be directed to the Office of Human Resources, Susan Hardie, Executive Director of Human Resources at (909) 652-6531, email

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