Fox Valley Technical College | 2017-2018 Student Handbook - page 28

We A.R.E.
Advisors: Rayon Brown
Jody Congdon
Phone: 920-735-4820
Phone: 920-996-2939
We ARE is a group of FVTC students who are raising awareness of domestic, sexual and
emotional abuse. The Facebook link is FVTC We Are The Change.
Wellness Club
Patti Martin
Phone: 920-996-2884
This club strives to promote healthy living within FVTC and our community. Through building
healthy relationships we will change the culture and encourage others to increase their own
personal wellness. The Facebook link is
Women In Technology
Advisors: Kim Vande Walle
Rose Guthrie
Phone: 920-735-2434
Phone: 920-996-2952
The WITonCampus organization works to empower a strong community of women who
support each other. Through self-exploration we encourage women to enhance their personal
and professional skills. If you’re interested in:
• Professional Networking with employers
• Internships
• Science. Technology. Engineering and Math (STEM) careers
• Keeping up to date on the latest technology trends
• Enhancing your resume
• Improving professional skills
• Mentorship Programs
For more information and questions, please contact us at (
) or
attend our WITonCampus meetings. Take the extra step towards an excellent career now!
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