• Competitive Athletics - Fox Valley
Technical College against other 2-year
colleges in Men’s and Women’s
Basketball (fall/winter). All FVTC
students who are enrolled in a minimum
of 9 credits and maintain a minimum 2.0
GPA are eligible to try out for one of our
competitive athletics teams.
• If a student is interested in competing,
he/she should call Student Life at
920-735-2599 or go to
• All home games are free with a current
Student ID! Spectators are welcome at
all of our games!
Health and Wellness
Fitness Center
• The Fitness Center is located in Room
E170 on the Appleton campus and
features a variety of exercise equipment
available for free use by students
and staff. Included in the center are
cardiovascular and strength equipment,
as well as shower and locker facilities.
• The Fitness Center opens at 7 a.m. and
closes at 9 p.m. Monday through Friday,
and Saturday 8 a.m. till 4p.m.
• Several health programs and group
fitness classes are available to students
and staff throughout the year promoting
wellness. Free fitness assessments,
consultations and equipment
orientations are also provided
Please call 920-996-2884 or email
for additional
Health Services
• Health Services provides assistance to Fox
Valley Technical College students and staff
free of charge.
• Health Services can provide first aid for
injury and illness, offer suggestions and
help make arrangements to see another
health professional or clinic if necessary.
• For more information go to
, e-mail:
, or call 920-735-5745.
LifeLINE Assistance
The LifeLINE program is a personal
counseling resource available to learners
who are seeking resolution for a variety
of psychological issues. The coordinator
divides his time between ATODA issues
(alcohol, tobacco and other drugs) and
mental health issues. ATODA issues
are focused on education, prevention
and treatment. Mental health covers a
multitude of issues: codependency, stress,
test anxiety, depression and a host of
others. This resource is offered at no cost,
and is strictly confidential. LifeLINE is
located in the Counseling Resource Center
(E121). Wolfgang Wallschlaeger is a
mastered degreed clinician with extensive
experience as a behavioral therapist. For
an appointment, phone 920-735-5696. The
LifeLINE counselor also provides monthly
“Lunch & Learns” for the school and is
available for classroom presentations
on a variety of topics. The classroom
presentations are done at the request of
the learners and/or instructors.