Mesa Community College | 2017-2018 Student Planner - page 168

Students with disabilities that render them unable to take adequate lecture notes are entitled to reasonable
accommodation to remedy this inability. Accommodation may require a faculty member to exempt a student from
his/her taping policy.
3.9 Domesticated Animals on Campus Recommendation
To implement a formal administrative regulation that addresses instances where animals are permitted on
campus. This item would take the place of language titled “Pet Policy” that presently appears in student
handbooks and instead be placed within the
section of the administrative regulations.
Animals, including pets, are prohibited on campus with the exception of service animals as defined by the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); service-animals-in-training that are part of a certified or accredited
program that is recognized within the service animal industry to train animals in compliance with the Americans
with Disabilities Act; animals for instructional purposes as approved by the appropriate district or college
authority; and working dogs used by a law enforcement agency for law enforcement purposes. Animals-in-training
must be clearly identified (i.e., wearing a vest) and prior permission of the college’s administration shall be obtained
in advance. During work and classroom hours, no more than one service-animal-in-training is permitted on site
per employee or student.
The ADA defines service animals as those that are individually trained to provide assistance to any individual with a
disability. If animals meet this definition, they are considered service animals under the ADA regardless of whether
they have been licensed or certified by a state or local government. This does not include animals for emotional
support. Service animals and service-animals-in-training shall be leashed and remain under the owner’s or
caretaker’s control at all times.
Animals that are used specifically to further an instructional purpose as part of a college or district program are
permitted at the college and may also be kenneled at that location. These animals shall be kenneled and handled in
such a way that does not pose a danger to any person on campus. Any injuries resulting from interaction with
these animals shall be reported immediately to the College Public Safety Department for documentation. Injuries
may also be subject to reporting with the Maricopa County Animal Care and Control.
4.4 Technology Resource Standards
The Maricopa County Community College District (MCCCD) provides its students, employees, Governing Board
members and the public with access to information resources and technologies. MCCCD recognizes that the free
exchange of opinions and ideas is essential to academic freedom, and the advancement of educational, research,
service, operational, and management purposes, is furthered by making these resources accessible.
Arizona constitutional and statutory mandates requires that MCCCD resources, including technology, be used only
for the public’s business, and not for private purposes. Those mandates apply to all MCCCD public officials–
employees of every kind and the Governing Board. The aim of those laws is to safeguard the use of resources,
including technology resources, acquired and maintained with public funds. Compliance with other laws–both
federal and state–also dictates the need for standards for the use of MCCCD technology resources. In some
cases, the Governing Board policies emphasize the importance of compliance with the law such as the requirement
to adhere to copyright laws. Governing Board policies also establish MCCCD’s own standards, such as the
directive that all persons within the MCCCD community be treated in a manner that is humane, fair and dignified.
This administrative regulations established standards for the use of MCCCD technology resources. They should
be seen as supplementing, and not in lieu of, Governing Board policy, applicable law and other applicable
administrative regulations such as Administrative Regulation 4.3 “Electronic Communications.”
General Responsibilities
Technology resources (including, but not limited to, desktop and laptop systems, printers, central computing
facilities, MCCCD-wide or college-wide networks, local-area networks, telephones, facsimile machines, scanners,
access to the Internet, electronic mail and similar electronic devices and information) of the MCCCD are available
to MCCCD Governing Board members, employees, students and, in a limited number of cases, MCCCD
contractors and the public. Use of all those resources is subject to the standards set forth in this regulation
The first screen that each MCCCD computer exhibits on starting up advises users of these Standards and requires
an acknowledgment before the user may proceed to the next screen. Additionally, all MCCCD employees are
responsible for annually acknowledging receipt of the Blue Book, which contains this regulation. So all users of
MCCCD technology resources are presumed to have read and understood the Standards. While the Standards
govern use of technology resources MCCCD-wide, an individual community college or center may establish
guidelines for technology resource usage that supplement, but do not replace or waive, these Standards.
More information can be found at
I...,158,159,160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167 169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176
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