Mesa Community College | 2017-2018 Student Planner - page 171

against any applicant, employee, or student on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender
identity, national origin, citizenship status (including document abuse), age, disability, veteran status or genetic
All HR employment selection and decision practices pertaining to advertising, benefits, compensation, discipline
(including probation, suspension, and/or involuntary termination for cause or layoff), employee facilities,
performance evaluation, recruitment, social/recreational programs, and training will continue to be
administered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin,
citizenship status (including document abuse), age, disability, veteran status or genetic information.
Hold each level of management responsible for ensuring that all employment policies, procedures, and activities
are in full compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local EEO statutes, rules, and regulations.
5.1.2 Maricopa EEO Policy
Maricopa's Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Policy Statement or EEO Clause appears in all major publications
distributed to employees, students, and applicants. Copies of these documents are available at each of the
colleges, at the District Employee Services Office, and at the EEO/Affirmative Action (AA) Office.
5.1.3 EEO Policy Statement
It is the policy of Maricopa to promote equal employment opportunities through a positive continuing program.
This means that Maricopa will not discriminate, nor tolerate discrimination in employment or education, against
any applicant, employee, or student because of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity,
national origin, citizenship status (including document abuse), age, disability, veteran status or genetic information.
Additionally, it is the policy of Maricopa to provide an environment for each Maricopa job applicant and employee
that is free from sexual harassment, as well as harassment and intimidation on account of an individual's race,
color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, citizenship status (including document
abuse), age, disability, veteran status or genetic information.
In addition, lack of English language skills is not a barrier to admission into Career and Technical Education (CTE)
programs or skill centers. Students who enroll will be supported in the development of these skills by classes in
English as a Second Language and other resources. Translation services and bilingual instruction can also be
provided: contact college designee for more information.
5.1.4 EEO Clause
The Maricopa County Community College District is an EEO/AA institution.
5.1.5 Use of the EEO Policy Statement or EEO Clause
As required by federal regulations, the EEO Policy Statement or EEO Clause MUST appear in all major publications
distributed to employees, students, and applicants throughout Maricopa's system. These publications include, but
are not limited to, catalogs, handbooks, schedules, policy manuals, recruitment publications, advertisements
(internal and external), and application forms (employee and student).
Additionally, the EEO Policy Statement or EEO Clause MUST be included in all purchase orders and contracts.
5.1.6 Policy Statements Declaration
The Policy Statements Declaration, which is an exhibit to this regulation, is a one-page document of Maricopa's
policies that is to be posted on bulletin boards throughout the entire District. It clearly defines Maricopa's firm
commitment to EEO/AA and to a workplace that is free from harassment.
5.1.7 Notice of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)/Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act/Title IX
The District Office and each Maricopa location must post the address and telephone number for the individual
responsible for coordinating services and/or activities relating to the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C.
Chapter 126), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. §794(d)), and Title IX of the Education
Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. §1681), using the format below:
Dr. Sonya Pearson/ADA/504/Title IX Coordinator
1833 Southern Ave, Mesa, AZ 85202
Additionally, each college/center must publish the above information in student handbooks and catalogs. Under the
ADA and Section 504, Maricopa recognizes the obligation to provide overall program accessibility throughout its
locations for disabled individuals. The designated ADA/504/Title IX Coordinator at each college/center will provide
information as to the existence and location of services, activities, and facilities that are accessible to and usable by
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