James F. Byrnes High School | 2017-2018 Student Handbook - page 13

Students are given textbooks for use during the school year. These textbooks
are on loan and are the student’s responsibility while checked out to them.
Students will be required to pay the full replacement cost for the textbook if
lost or damaged. Any damage to the bar code will result in a $10.00
replacement fee for the bar code
the textbook has been damaged,
which will result in the student being assessed the full replacement cost for the
Canine Searches
To promote a safe and orderly environment, District Five Schools has
contracted with the Duncan Police Department to assist with periodic,
unannounced searches of the schools, school grounds, and all personal
property on school grounds. The Duncan Police Department has highly
trained dogs to search for a variety of contraband. Please note the following:
All property and people (including students, staff, visitors, etc.) are subject
to searches.
Vehicles and other personal property are subject to searches.
Inspectors are searching for illegal drugs, controlled substances, weapons,
and other items of contraband.
Law Enforcement officials will be contacted when contraband is found.
Parents will be contacted in the event of an offense.
Searches often result in discipline offenses for tobacco products and other
less threatening items of contraband.
Opening and Closing of the Building
The school will be open for student entry at 7:00am. For cleaning and security
reasons, among others, students must clear the building by 4:00 p.m. each day.
Students should establish daily prearranged times for transportation so they
will not need to use the office phone.
Only students who are under direct
supervision of a teacher are allowed to remain past 4:00 p.m.
No students
should re-enter any building after 4:00 p.m. without permission. Students
who choose to disregard this request will be subject to disciplinary action. No
students should be in the gyms or gym areas unless under the direct
supervision of a coach. The main office will close at 5:00pm. Students will be
required to use their IDs to enter the building when entering the 700 hall,
Rebel entrance, and ROTC area entrance.
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