James F. Byrnes High School | 2017-2018 Student Handbook - page 21

Drop-Out and Return
Students who withdraw, drop-out, or are dropped during first semester and re-
enroll second semester will be scheduled into available classes. An attempt
will be made to schedule seniors into classes they need to graduate if the
master schedule permits.
Early Completions of Graduation Requirements
Seniors should have contacted Guidance by June (their junior year) if
they plan to complete all graduation requirements by December. Failure
to sign letters in Guidance about early completion of course work means
that students will not be able to march in May.
Seniors who signed early completion letters by June may participate in
graduation ceremonies; however, they will be considered non-students in
all school activities such as the Junior/ Senior Prom, Awards Program,
Senior Picnic, etc.
Students who plan to complete course work early but decide to return or
need to return due to failure of courses will be scheduled into available
second semester courses as the master schedule permits.
Each early completion student must contact Byrnes by May regarding
required graduation practice dates.
Rank in class, honor graduates, etc. will be based on final grades at the
end of first semester for seniors completing course work early.
Scholarship eligibility may be impacted.
Examination Exemptions
Seniors with an “A” average for the course will be allowed to exempt final
exams. No early exams will be given.
Promotion Policies
Students will not move up to the next grade level if they do not meet the
requirements. Requirements for promotion are based on the following:
Grade 10:
5 units including 1 of English,
and 1 math
Grade 11:
11 units including 2 of English, 2
math courses, 1 science, and 1
social studies
Grade 12 and
16 units and be enrolled in all
courses required to graduate
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