Policies & Regulations
The student may appeal the decision according to the
appeal process outlined below; however, a student is
not entitled to an Administrative Disposition hearing, nor
may the student use the Student Grievance Process as a
way to appeal the outcome of an Academic Misconduct
Right to Appeal. A student has the right to appeal the
decision and action of the Faculty Fellow for Academic
Integrity, based on the outcome of the Board hearing or
the Administrative disposition meeting for the following
1. There has been a violation of the student’s
due process rights as outlined in the Academic
Misconduct Hearing Procedures above
2. The severity of the sanction is not justified by the
nature of the misconduct.
3. New, relevant information not available during the
earlier proceedings is made available. The nature of
this new information shall be described in detail.
A written communication, specifying the grounds for an
appeal, must be filed with the Office of the Provost no
later than fourteen (14) calendar days following receipt of
the decision.
The Provost or designee shall review the appeal and take
one of the following actions:
1. Dismiss the appeal and uphold the actions taken by
the Faculty Fellow for Academic Integrity.
2. Order a new hearing by a different ACRB or
3. Amend the severity of the sanction administered.
The Provost or designee shall communicate his or
her decision normally within fourteen (14) calendar
days following the date the appeal was filed. Upon
communication, no further action is provided for by the
above procedures.
It shall be the responsibility of the Faculty
Fellow for Academic Integrity to maintain copies of all
communications, minutes, and dispositions regarding
these procedures. The University shall comply with all
state and federal laws regarding confidentiality of records.
A student who has a record of an Informal Resolution
may petition the Faculty Fellow for Academic Integrity
to have the record expunged one semester prior to
graduation. During the semester prior to graduation, the
student must request the expungement in writing to the
Faculty Fellow for Academic Integrity.
All records of Formal Resolutions are permanent.
The Academic Misconduct Procedures will be reviewed
at least every seven (7) years. This review will involve a
committee appointed by the Faculty Fellow for Academic
Integrity, in consultation with the Chair of the Faculty
Senate and the Presidents of the Student Government
Association. The committee should consist of faculty,
administrators, Undergraduate and Graduate students
who are familiar with the Academic Misconduct
Procedures. At least one-half of the committee members
shall be students appointed by the Student Government
Permanent separation of the student from the
University preventing readmission to the institution. This
sanction shall be recorded on the student’s transcript.
Temporary separation of the student from
the University for a specified period of time. This sanction
shall be recorded on the student’s transcript. (In the
semester prior to graduation, the student may petition to
have the record removed from the transcript).
Disciplinary Probation:
Formal, written warning that
the continued enrollment of the student depends on
the maintenance of satisfactory citizenship during the
period of probation. May also include a deferred sanction,
which identifies the minimum sanction that would occur,
if the student were found responsible for any future
misconduct. A record of disciplinary probation and
deferred sanction will be kept by the Faculty Fellow for
Academic Integrity.
Failing or Reduction of Grade:
Failing or grade
reduction for the examination, project, or course
assignment involved or for the course involved. May
include prohibiting the use of the Forgiveness Policy for
the course.
Reimbursement for damages incurred.
Restriction: Temporary or permanent loss of privilege of
the use of a University facility or service.
A requirement to render a designated number
of hours of specified service to the University or
A requirement to seek professional
counseling in order to remain at the University.
A requirement to enroll in and successfully
pass a specified course or program, which is determined
as appropriate by the Faculty Fellow for Academic
Other disciplinary penalties as are considered fair
and appropriate.
Florida International University • campuslife.fiu.edu