FlU Student Handbook 2017-2018 - page 118

Policies & Regulations
Switchboard of Miami
First Call For Help (Broward)
The Drug-Free Workplace Regulations requires that
Contracts & Grants employees notify their supervisor or
other appropriate University representative of any criminal
drug statute conviction for a violation, occurring in the
workplace, within five (5) days after such conviction.
The University shall notify federal contracting agencies
within ten (10) days of having received notice that an
employee (identified by position and title) engaged in the
performance of a contract or grant has had a criminal
drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the
Within 30 calendar days of receiving notice of the
employee’s conviction the University shall take the
appropriate personnel action, including the application of
appropriate sanctions up to and including termination.
The employee may also be required to participate in a
substance abuse assistance or rehabilitation program.
Florida International University is committed to providing
a safe work and educational environment and to fostering
the well-being and health of its students and employees.
This commitment is jeopardized when any student or
employee of Florida International University unlawfully
or inappropriately possesses, uses, distributes or sells
illegal drugs or alcohol on University premises or at any
University sponsored or related activity.
The goal of this Policy is to balance our respect for an
individual’s rights with the need to maintain a safe,
productive, and drug free environment. The intent of this
policy is to send a clear message that illegal drugs and
alcohol abuse are incompatible with studying or working
at Florida International University, and to offer a helping
hand to those who may need it. Therefore:
It is a violation of this Policy for any person to possess,
sell, trade, distribute or offer for sale illegal drugs or to
otherwise engage in the use of illegal drugs on campus
or within a 200-foot perimeter of University owned,
leased, operated or controlled property.
It is a violation of this Policy for anyone to report to
classes, work or related assignments “under the
influence” of illegal drugs or alcohol.
It is a violation of this Policy for anyone to use
prescription drugs illegally. The legal use of prescription
drugs with known potential to impair personal safety
should be reported to supervisors or an appropriate
University representative.
Violations of this Policy by any student or employee of
Florida International University shall constitute grounds
for evaluation and/or treatment for drug/alcohol abuse,
for disciplinary action and/or criminal sanction.
Students: Disciplinary actions may range from letters
of reprimand up to and including expulsion from the
University. Such actions shall be in accordance with the
applicable “Standards of Student Conduct” and University
policies and procedures.
Employees: Disciplinary action may include mandatory
referral to the Office of Employee Assistance (OEA)
for assessment, letters of reprimand, and progressive
disciplinary procedures, up to and including termination.
Students and employees may seek review of any
disciplinary actions in accordance with applicable
In compliance with Federal Drug-Free Schools and
Campuses Regulations, Florida International University
shall provide annual notification to students and
employees regarding this Policy and its alcohol and
substance abuse awareness, prevention and rehabilitation
Further, the FIU Substance Abuse Task Force shall
conduct biennial reviews of such programs in order to
assure their continued conformance with the stated goal
and intent of this Policy and the Drug-Free Schools and
Campuses Regulations.
Productivity, academic performance, work quality,
motivation, judgment, and safety may all be adversely
affected by an individual’s abuse of alcohol and drugs.
There are many physical and mental health risks
associated with the abuse of alcohol and other drugs.
Further, the effects of substance abuse extend from
the user to their family, friends and colleagues. A
brief summary of various substances most typically
abused, and their psychological and physiological
effects is provided below. For additional information visit
Statistics show that alcohol abuse is involved in
the majority of violent behavior incidents on college
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