Policies & Regulations
Falsification of Records:
The tampering with, or
altering in any way any academic record used or
maintained by the University.
Academic Dishonesty:
In general, by any act or
omission not specifically mentioned above and which is
outside the customary scope of preparing and completing
academic assignments and/or contrary to the above
stated policies concerning academic integrity.
Any violation of this section shall first require a
determination as to whether the act or omission
constitutes academic misconduct.
The definition and procedure do not address:
1. Issues related to sexual harassment, or
discrimination based on age, sex, sexual
orientation, religion, race, marital status, national
origin or disability. The Equal Opportunity Programs
(EOP) Office is responsible for handling such
issues in accordance with procedures developed to
comply with the Florida Equity Act;
2. Issues related to research misconduct. If the
student alleges unauthorized utilization of thesis,
dissertation or research materials by a professor,
resolution of the issue must be sought using the
University Research Misconduct policy, and;
3. Issues related to professional misconduct. If the
student is dismissed from a course or program due
to violation of a professional code of conduct, those
decisions are addressed at the school or college
All matters relating to Academic Misconduct among
Undergraduate and Graduate students are referred to the
Faculty Fellow for Academic Integrity.
Charges of Academic Misconduct may be brought
against a student (hereafter Charged Student) by a faculty
member, a chair, or a dean (hereafter Complainant).
Charges may be filed by the aforementioned persons on
behalf of a staff person, another student, or a person not
affiliated with the University, who reasonably believes
that a student has committed academic misconduct.
If a student, staff, or a person not affiliated with the
University observes a student committing an act of
Academic Misconduct, he/ she must first inform the
appropriate faculty member, chair, or College/School dean
(hereafter Complainant). The Complainant, who suspects
academic misconduct, must meet with the student in
order to inform him/her of the allegation(s), to provide
any evidence, and to allow the student to respond, before
either entering into an Informal Resolution, as described
below, or filing the Complaint Form Alleging Academic
Misconduct with the Faculty Fellow for Academic Integrity.
The student’s academic status will remain unchanged
pending the outcome of either an Informal Resolution,
or the University’s final decision in the outcome of the
Formal Procedure, except where the Faculty Fellow for
Academic Integrity determines that the safety, health,
or general welfare of the student or the University
is involved. When a final grade for a course may be
involved, a grade of I should be assigned, pending
the University’s final decision in the matter. A Charged
Student’s ability to register for future semesters will
be temporarily placed on hold until the Faculty Fellow
for Academic Integrity is assured that the student is
satisfactorily responding to the charges. If the Charged
Student is satisfactorily responding to the charges, he/
she will be allowed to register and his or her current
academic status will remain unchanged, pending the
University’s final decision in the student disciplinary
An informal meeting between the Complainant and the
Charged Student to resolve the matter outside of the
formal hearing procedures will normally occur within
fourteen (14) calendar days the following date of the
act or omission giving rise to the complaint or the date
on which the Complainant became aware of the act or
omission, whichever is later. Prior to meeting informally
with the Charged Student, the Complainant will contact
the Faculty Fellow for Academic Integrity, to determine
whether the Charged Student has a prior record of
being found responsible for academic misconduct. If it
is determined that a Charged Student does have such
a prior record, the Complainant cannot enter into an
informal agreement and must file a Complaint Form
Alleging Academic Misconduct directly with the Faculty
Fellow for Academic Integrity.
This will normally occur within fourteen (14) calendar
days, as mentioned above.
The purpose of the informal meeting is for the
Complainant to investigate and determine whether there
is sufficient evidence either to:
1. File formal charges of Academic Misconduct;
2. Reach an Informal Resolution; or
3. Take no further action.
The Complainant’s immediate supervisor should be
present at an informal meeting. If an informal agreement
is reached, both the Charged Student, the Complainant,
and the immediate supervisor will sign a Consent