Policies & Regulations
The Disability Resource Center (DRC) collaborates with
students, faculty, staff, and community members to
create diverse learning environments that are usable,
equitable, inclusive, and sustainable. The DRC provides
FIU students with disabilities the necessary support to
successfully complete their education and participate in
activities available to all students.
For a complete list of DRC services, visit the website at
If you have a history or diagnosis of disability and plan
to utilize academic accommodations, please contact the
Locations: MMC - GC 190, (305) 348-3532
BBC - WUC 131, (305) 919-5345
The Special Admission process is a means by which
applicants, who do not meet the Florida International
University (FIU) undergraduate admission requirements,
may request special consideration.
A student wishing to be considered for admission to the
university under the special admission process must first
apply through the standard FIU admission process and in
accordance with all deadlines specified by the Office of
Undergraduate Admissions.
Applicants whose educational and/or personal goals
for success have been negatively impacted due to
disability-related reasons may wish to disclose any
documentation to the Disability Resource Center.
Applicants with documented disabilities would complete
a Disability Eligibility Review Form and submit it directly
to the Disability Resource Center to be included as part
of their admissions appeal. Once a review is completed,
the DRC will send the eligibility review decision directly to
Admissions. The Office of Undergraduate Admissions will
NOT accept medical documents.
The special admissions committee then reviews all
applications on a case-by-case basis. The Office of
Undergraduate Admissions makes all final special
admission decisions. The undergraduate eligibility
criterion for FIU is a competitive admission process. The
University is not legally obligated to lower the admission
The Office of Undergraduate Admission will inform the
applicant of the University’s decision.
Course Substitutions
Students with disabilities who are unable to complete the
University Core Curriculum requirements should request a
course substitution from Undergraduate Studies.
When deemed appropriate, The DRC will support and
recommend that the student’s request be granted.
Students with disabilities seeking academic
accommodations should request them in consultation
with The Disability Resource Center. The DRC will
determine and recommend accommodations on a case
by case basis
The Disability Resource Center coordinates academic
accommodations, which are determined on an
individualized basis. Once admitted to FIU, a DRC
“Welcome Appointment” can be scheduled. The
“Welcome Appointment” provides an opportunity to
register with the DRC. Each semester DRC students can
request academic accommodations. Upon the student’s
request, the DRC will email the requisite faculty the
“Notification of Academic Adjustment”. DRC services
include the provision of accommodations to students with
disabilities for course tests and exams. These services
are available to students who qualify for certain types of
Testing and Exam Proctor Forms:
Students with testing accommodations that will be testing
at the DRC must work with professors at the beginning
of each semester to complete an Exam Proctor Form
as it provides the test proctor with information that is
fundamental to the testing process, such as testing
conditions, allotted time for tests, and the way in which
tests are received at the DRC and delivered back to the
In cases where professors do not have their test dates
finalized by the first week of class, an Exam Proctor
Form must still be completed and submitted. Changes or
additional exam dates can be provided by the professor to
the Testing Coordinator as long as it is provided one week
before the scheduled exam date. For more information or
to view our forms, please visit drc.fiu.edu.
Class Attendance:
If a qualified student with a disability believe it may not
be possible to abide by the attendance policy due to
disability related reasons, the student should contact
the Disability Resource Center (DRC) at the beginning
of the semester, or as soon as possible after the need
for an exception arise, to discuss the possibility of the
accommodation being initiated.
The DRC may determine that a student’s disability
entitles the student to an adaptation of the usual course
attendance policy. Adaptations of course attendance
policies will be determined on an individual, case-by-case
basis. Adaptation of the course attendance policy does
not mean that unlimited absences will be permitted.