FlU Student Handbook 2017-2018 - page 143

Policies & Regulations
A. University Employees Who Must Report
The University employees who are obligated by law or by
University designation to report potential violations of this
Regulation are those who are Responsible Employees and
Campus Security Authorities. Examples of Responsible
Employees include Deans, Directors, Department
Chairs, Coaches, Student Affairs professionals (including
Resident Advisors), and faculty who serve as advisors
to student groups. Members of the University Police
Department are also Responsible Employees. Responsible
Employees will safeguard an individual’s privacy, but are
required by the University to immediately share all details
about a report of Prohibited Conduct (including the known
details of the incident (e.g., date, time, location), the
names of the parties involved, a brief description of the
incident and whether the incident has been previously
reported) with the Title IX Coordinator in person, by
telephone, electronically, or by email. Such reporting
ensures timely support for all parties and enables an
effective and consistent institutional response.
Campus Security Authorities must share all known
details of an incident which may constitute a Clery
Crime, consistent with the expectations for Responsible
Employees with the Clery Act Coordinator and the Title IX
Coordinator. The Clery Act Coordinator is responsible for
maintaining the University's daily crime log and annual
security report which contains information on certain
crimes but no identifying information with respect to a
Reporting Party.
B. Other Individual's Reporting Obligation
(Except Confidential Resources)
All other employees (who are not designated as
confidential resources) will safeguard an individual’s
privacy, but are strongly encouraged to share any
information about such conduct with the Title IX
Coordinator and/or a member of the Response Team
in recognition of the understanding that centralized
reporting is an important tool to address, end and prevent
Prohibited Conduct.
Similarly, all students (who are not otherwise required
to report as a Responsible Employee and/or Campus
Security Authority) are strongly encouraged to report any
information, including reports or partial reports, to the
Title IX Coordinator and/or a member of the Response
C. Confidential Resources
The trained professionals designated below can provide
counseling, information, and support in a confidential
setting. These confidential resources will not share
information about an individual (including whether that
individual has received services) without the individual’s
express permission unless there is a threat of serious
harm to the patient/client or to others or there is
a legal obligation to reveal such information (e.g.,
suspected abuse or neglect of a Minor). The on- campus
professionals are also available to help an individual
make a report to the University.
On Campus:
Victim Empowerment Program (VEP) Counseling
and Psychological Services (CAPS)
MMC | SHC 270 - (305) 348-2277
BBC | WUC 320 - (305) 919-5305
Office of Employee Assistance
MMC | GL473
BBC | AC 1 203
(305) 348-2469
Student Health Services
MMC | SHC (305) 348-2401
BBC | SHS (305) 919-5620
The following individuals serve as an ombudsperson
to either the students or faculty. These individuals will
protect the confidentiality of the student or faculty
member to the extent permitted by law. However,
they are considered both a Responsible Employee and
Campus Security Authority.
Tony Delgado Office of the (Student) Ombudsperson
Assistant Dean of Students
GC219 Phone: (305) 348-2797
Rebecca Friedman
Faculty Ombudsperson Office of the Provost
PC520A Phone: (305) 348-0169
The following are off-campus providers which provide
confidential services. However, these providers have no
obligation to report to the University.
JMH Rape Treatment Center
(305) 585-7273
Florida Council Against Sexual Violence
Information Line
For any report under this Regulation, every effort will be
made to respect and safeguard the privacy interests and
safety of all individuals involved in a manner consistent
with the need for a careful assessment of the allegation
and any necessary steps to eliminate the conduct,
prevent its recurrence, and address its effects. Privacy
and confidentiality have distinct meanings under this
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