Policies & Regulations
and volunteers are expected to report instances of abuse,
abandonment and neglect of a Minor which they know
of or have reasonable cause to suspect. FIU strives to
create an environment where anyone who knows of, or
has reasonable cause to suspect, abuse, abandonment
or neglect of a Minor feels empowered to report it without
any fear of retaliation. Additionally, any person who
knows, or has reasonable cause to suspect, that a Minor
is the victim of childhood sexual abuse or the victim of
a known or suspected juvenile sexual offender must
immediately report the information to the DCF. The means
to contact DCF are set forth below in the Procedures
section outline in the University policy which can be found
online at:
E. The Effect of Making a Report
Making a report to the University means telling a
Responsible Employee or Campus Security Authority what
happened, in person, by telephone, in writing, by e-mail,
electronically, or anonymously. The University encourages
a Reporting Party or someone on the Reporting Party's
behalf to make a report directly to a Responsible
Employee or Campus Security Authority. In turn, these
University employees will, as quickly as possible, refer
the report to the Title IX Coordinator and/or the Response
Team to assure consistent application of this Regulation.
Upon receipt of a report, the Title IX Coordinator and/or
the Response Team will conduct an initial assessment
of the incident or behavior at issue which includes
evaluating the risk of harm to the parties, any other
individuals, or the broader campus community; the
Reporting Party’s desired course of action; and the
necessity for any Interim Protective Measures to protect
the safety of the Reporting Party, any other individuals,
and/or the community. A member of the Response Team
will offer appropriate resources to support the Reporting
Party and at the conclusion of the initial assessment,
determine the appropriate manner of resolution.
The University recognizes that deciding whether to make
a report and choosing how to proceed are personal
decisions. A Reporting Party does not have to decide
whether to request any particular course of action.
Choosing to make a report and deciding how to proceed
after making a report is a process that unfolds over
time. The University will make every effort to respect
a Reporting Party’s choice, including the desire for
autonomy, in making the determination as to how to
proceed. Resources are always available to support
a Reporting Party regardless of the course of action
chosen. All individuals are encouraged to make a report
regardless of when or where the incident occurred, and
to seek any necessary help from campus or community
resources. Notwithstanding the Reporting Party's decision,
the University will assess whether it is necessary to
take action to continue to provide a safe and non-
discriminatory environment. The University will advise the
Reporting Party as necessary.
When a report is received, the Title IX Coordinator
or designee, in consultation with other appropriate
administrators, will make an assessment of any risk
of harm to the parties, any other individuals, or to the
broader campus community and may impose reasonable
and appropriate Interim Protective Measures when
necessary to protect the safety of the parties or witnesses
involved and/or to provide academic or other appropriate
support. Interim Protective Measures are temporary
actions taken by the University to ensure equal access
to its education programs and activities and to foster a
more stable and safe environment during the process of
reporting, investigating, and/or disciplining, if appropriate,
a violation of this Regulation. Because they are temporary
in nature, interim protective measures may be amended
or withdrawn as additional information is gathered. The
Title IX Coordinator or designee, in consultation with other
administrators, will maintain consistent contact with the
parties so that all safety, emotional, and physical well-
being concerns can be reasonably addressed.
Interim Protective Measures may be applied to the
Reporting Party, the Responding Party, and/or other
involved individuals as appropriate to ensure their safety
and well-being. Interim Protective Measures may be
requested by the parties or the University at any time,
regardless of whether any particular course of action
is sought by the Reporting Party. The range of Interim
Protective Measures may include:
• Access to counseling services and assistance in
setting up initial appointments
• Imposition of a “No-Contact Order” for all or part of
any University property
• Rescheduling of exams and assignments
• Providing alternative course completion options
• Change in class schedule, including the ability to
drop a course without penalty or to transfer sections
• Change in work schedule or job assignment
• Change in campus housing assignment
• Assistance from University support staff in
completing housing relocation, if feasible
• Limiting access to certain University facilities or
activities pending resolution of the matter
• Voluntary leave of absence from work in accordance
with University policies
• Providing an escort to assure safe movement
between classes and activities
Florida International University • campuslife.fiu.edu