FlU Student Handbook 2017-2018 - page 100

Housing & Residential Life
fire sprinklers or fire alarms, a fee of $150.00 will be assessed and damages assessed for property loss / clean-up
cost. Items may not be hung from or block fire sprinklers or smoke detectors. Recovery costs associated with damage
resulting from activating a sprinkler may be assessed to the responsible individuals.
In the case of a severe weather warning, residents should close all blinds and curtains, and stay clear of window
openings or doors with glass panels. All electrical appliances should be unplugged. Adhere to the instructions of
Residential Life staff members and University officials.
In the event a hurricane warning is declared by the University, all resident students will be directed to evacuate the
residence halls. All students must abide by shelter policies and remain until the University withdraws the emergency
order. Failure to comply with University officials during an emergency event will result in disciplinary action.
Once an emergency is declared, the FIU-HELP ((305) 348-4357) line is activated and information is provided
to update the community on the status of the University. In addition, information can also be obtained on line at
All resident students are strongly encouraged to establish an evacuation plan in the event the University or Dade County
issues an evacuation order. Upon the issuance of an evacuation order, all residents will be directed to seek shelter.
Students from the immediate Miami-Dade and Broward areas will be instructed to return home for the duration of
the hurricane event. Those resident students from outside the immediate local area (100 miles) will be sheltered in
a designated Hurricane Evacuation Center along with select personnel. Students staying in the shelter should bring a
minimum of three days supply of water and food. Once students establish their evacuation plan, the students need to
inform their Resident Assistant.
Each student living in Housing should prepare a Hurricane Kit which can be easily accessed in the event of an
emergency. Here is a sample of items which should be included in your kit:
– at least 1 gallon daily per person for 3 to 5 days
– at least enough for 3 to 5 days. Suggested items: non-perishable packaged or canned food / juices,
snack foods, non-electric can opener, paper plates / plastic utensils
– seasonal / rain gear/ sturdy shoes, be sure to include a blanket and pillows, etc.
First Aid Kit / Medicines / Prescription Drugs
Toiletries / Hygiene items – Flashlight / Batteries
– Banks and ATMs may not be open or available for extended periods.
Books and Games
Important Documents
– Insurance, medical records, etc. in a waterproof container.
For the protection of personal belongings, students are encouraged to maintain insurance on those items that are being
brought to campus. The University is not liable for damage to or loss of personal property, or failure or interruption of
facilities. Students are encouraged to secure their own health and personal property loss insurance.
The Housing and Residential Life has surveillance cameras throughout the residence halls and apartments. Cameras
are not monitored by the staff.
Phones, identified by a blue light, are located in various locations throughout campus. If you have concerns for your
safety, are in danger or would like to have a security escort, simply open the box and follow the instructions posted. The
phones are connected directly to University Police
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