FlU Student Handbook 2017-2018 - page 99

Housing & Residential Life
Crime can happen on campus just as it can happen in the community. Don’t take chances and don’t take your safety
for granted. You can protect yourself against crime by taking these simple precautions:
• Keep your door locked at all times.
• Always find out who is knocking before opening the door. Look through the peephole or ask who it is before you
open the door.
• Never leave the apartment/room door propped open.
• Always close the apartment/room windows when you vacate the apartment/room. Do not leave any valuables
within reach of an open window.
• Keep your keys safe. Don’t lend your key to anyone and don’t leave keys lying around.
• If the key is lost or stolen, report it to the Complex Office Front Desk immediately so that the lock can be changed.
• Have your keys ready before you get to your door or your car, especially after dark.
• Always report any suspicious activity to Public Safety.
• Don’t walk alone, especially at night.
• Avoid dark paths or shortcuts. Always use public walkways.
• Carry identification at all times.
• Let your roommate(s) know where you are going and when you will return.
• If you are the victim of a crime, report the incident to Public Safety immediately.
This policy is implemented in the event the University declares an emergency (severe weather warning, threat to air
quality, etc.) which requires all resident students to remain in the Residence Halls. During such an event the Residential
Life staff and the University Police will advise students to remain within their assigned living unit. Once the order is
given to “Stay-In Place” students will not be permitted to exit the building until University officials determine the threat
to health and safety to be under control.
Parking Service Aides (PSA) provide a golf cart transportation service for students and staff Monday–Friday
7:00 PM–11:00 PM during the regular academic year (Public Safety will provide an escort outside these hours if one is
requested). The escort service is staffed by FIU students and staff. If you need assistance, please call (305) 348-3615
and give your name and location. Depending on the volume, at times this service is not available. Priority is given to
students who are using the service for their safety versus a means of transportation.
How to prepare for a fire emergency:
Pre-plan your evacuation route; locate the nearest alarm pull station; locate
the nearest fire extinguisher; and become familiar with how to use it appropriately.
Fire drills are conducted regularly. In case of smoke or fire, pull the nearest alarm. Report the location of the fire
to University Police at MMC (305) 348-5911. All residents must evacuate the building when an alarm is sounded.
Residents are required to follow the direction of University officials during an evacuation. Residents are to assemble in
a parking lot at least fifty yards away from the building. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action.
Each housing complex is equipped with a fire alarm system that is regularly inspected and approved by the state.
Smoke detectors are located in every unit. Emergency lights are located in the hallways and stairwells of each complex.
Fire extinguishers are located in the hallways of each complex. Residence Hall rooms/suites are equipped with an
emergency call box and fire stops in kitchens.
Removing or interfering with the use of fire safety equipment, such as fire extinguishers and smoke detectors, is a
third degree felony under Florida Statute 806.10 and is prohibited in Housing. Setting off fire alarms is prohibited by
Florida Statute, Section 806.101, and is a misdemeanor. If a resident disconnects or tampers with smoke detectors,
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